Vision & Areas of Interest
I’m a student spiritual director, as well as a reader, writer, and wannabe contemplative who is passionate about cultivating spaces for the hard and holy work of healing in relationship to God, self, and others, for the flourishing of all people and communities. Through my reading and writing, I explore matters of faith, justice, the Enneagram, and mental health. I’m a also a teacher, speaker, and small group facilitator.

Spiritual Direction
I am currently in the practicum portion of a program to become a certified spiritual director through the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. I’ve been an elementary school teacher, stay-at-home-mom, non-profit employee, church staff member, and most recently, an adult ESL teacher.

Family & Experience
I live in the Dallas area with my husband and two school-aged daughters. I have worked for and trained under Enneagram teacher Suzanne Stabile at Life in the Trinity Ministry and have also taken classes through The Narrative Enneagram.

My antiracism journey has been greatly impacted by my involvement in an organization called Be the Bridge, which exists to increase awareness of and responsiveness to racial brokenness and systemic injustice. Over the past several years, I have co-led Be the Bridge groups and facilitated groups through Be the Bridge’s introductory curriculum for white people interested in antiracism.

I believe that owning and embodying our unconditional belovedness is crucial in order to be reconciled to one another. This is a communal, lifelong journey of becoming.

For inquiries about speaking engagements or spiritual direction, contact me below.

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